Feel free to still write here in this topic for debates or larger discussions around the feature.
Swing.. 'nuf said

I've seen swing getting mentioned briefly in the topic about tempo offset, but I think it deserves its own topic really.
The idea is to have adjustable (amount + division) swing for both Midi ports and analog clock out. It would be great to have for those devices that don't have a swing/shuffle feature built in. Like the TR-808, TR-606, but also modern examples like the Korg Volca's or Behringer TD-3, Pro-1, MS-1 just to name a few. Also any sequencer or device with built-in sequencer with analog cv clock would be able to be 'swinged'

With my TD-3 I was already able to achieve swing using my TR-8S and trust me, you need shuffled acid bass lines in your life.