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Sync to 1-12ppq signal + improved tap tempo

Posted: 04 Aug 2023, 12:24
by Simon
Important: this feature was previously sync to any pulse from 1 to 24ppq, this has been splitted in two features, this one and viewtopic.php?t=212

Original topic: viewtopic.php?t=113

This is about implementing syncing to any regular signal/audio running at anywhere between 1 to 12 ppqn. This could mean for example a click/metronome, a regular drum kick, or an analog clock from a Eurorack module.

This is a big deal to implement as the Midronome needs a "catch-up" mechanism to sync the downbeat to what is sent (meaning the device will gently accelerate or deccelerate until its metronome is in time with the signal). But the good news are this same mechanism will be able to be used on the tap tempo features (button, pedal, and drum pad), so that you can tap the tempo and the device will not only change its tempo, it will also "catch up" with how you are tapping until it is in sync with the taps.

Important notes:
  • At this point there is no ETA on this feature, and it is not 100% sure how it will be implemented, it might end up being a module (but I'll try my best of course)
  • This type of sync is not very precise, consider it as precise as a tap tempo function with catch-up mechanism

Feel free to comment here regarding:
  • If you think some information is missing or unclear
  • How you would like this feature to be implemented (buttons, settings, how to activate, how it is done, etc.)
  • Why you think this feature is a good addition to the Midronome

Re: Sync to 1-12ppq signal + improved tap tempo

Posted: 05 Aug 2023, 18:46
by Milosdrummer
I strongly support this feature, as it can open up more possible uses for the Midronome. I think a lot of people mistake the current stated syncing options of Midronome for this 'sync to all signals', simply because they (me included) whish it does :)

Re: Sync to 1-12ppq signal + improved tap tempo

Posted: 09 Aug 2023, 13:57
by MPrinsen
Very excited about this. Tap tempo with a catch up mechanism is essential when playing with a band.

Re: Sync to 1-12ppq signal + improved tap tempo

Posted: 24 Jun 2024, 13:08
by VRN
Hi Simon,

Is there any movement on this? I would love the Midronome to follow a simple analogue metronome beat and output the corresponding MIDI-clock. I currently use a Selah Quartz to do that in order to control my time-based effects live (the metronome being set by the drummer for his click anyway). It works great, but the Selah seems to be dying on me and it is pretty expensive to replace and since I have the Midronome laying around doing nothing essentially waiting for this particular feature anyway, I was hoping it had developped further in this direction....

Best regards,


Re: Sync to 1-12ppq signal + improved tap tempo

Posted: 25 Jun 2024, 08:55
by Simon
Hi :)

I cannot say for sure for now, but this might be delayed in order to make a Windows version for U-SYNC - as you may have seen on the Forums and the Facebook group.

But I am confused why you would need this feature to sync to a metronome? You can simply let the Midronome generate the metronome for you (then the clocks will be way more precise anyways), and you could give your drummer a tap tempo pedal or even a drum pad on which he can tap tempo and time signature.


Re: Sync to 1-12ppq signal + improved tap tempo

Posted: 25 Jun 2024, 10:28
by VRN
Hi Simon,

That is not so good news. The reason for needing it is because our drummer (and the band) uses Peterson BodyBeats to stay in sync (wireless metronomes). The drummer sets the tempo from his wireless master metronome and the "slaves" of the rest of the band follows in sync. I use an extra BodyBeat to trigger a Selah Quartz 2 to output the beat as MIDI-clock. The Quartz works like a charm keeping all my time-based effects in snyc with the tempo of the songs. I was initially expecting the Midronome to do that job. As said, in one of my setups the Quartz is dying on me and they are both expensive and hard to come by, and since I already purchased the Midronome in anticipation of the function, I was hoping we would finally be that far.....

Anyway, I'm sure people would love U-Sync for Windows. I just have no need for that personally....

Happy Game tonight!

Best regards,
