Sync to any regular signal (pulses) from 1ppq to 24ppq

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Sync to any regular signal (pulses) from 1ppq to 24ppq

Post by Simon »

Official topic in the Potential future feature Forum: viewtopic.php?t=212

Feel free to still write here in this topic for debates or larger discussions around the feature.


Hey there :)

Right now, the Midronome can only slave to a special sync signal sent at 24ppq (as detailed here: ), which is the signal sent by the Midronome VST plugin.

This feature is about having the possibility to slave the Midronome to any regular pulses, either sent by a CV gate output, or by an audio output, from 1ppqn to 24ppqn.

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Re: Sync to any regular signal (pulses) from 1ppq to 24ppq

Post by masi »

Simon wrote: 18 Sep 2022, 20:26This feature is about having the possibility to slave the Midronome to any regular pulses, either sent by a CV gate output, or by an audio output, from 1ppqn to 24ppqn.
Many hardware synths allow syncing to 48ppq (eg devices from Arturia or Behringer).

And man, wake up! In 2022 we don't use the word slave any more. :)
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Re: Sync to any regular signal (pulses) from 1ppq to 24ppq

Post by Simon »

Ha ha fair enough - the slave word thing I just have no idea what else to use? I could not find an equivalent that is clear enough IMO.
The only thing I could find was "X syncs to Y" (=Y is the master) and "X syncs Y" (=X is the master), but it really is not as clear... Any ideas?

Regarding 48ppq - if the 48ppq analog output is implemented (viewtopic.php?t=66 ) then yes this feature will probably also accept 48ppq.
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Re: Sync to any regular signal (pulses) from 1ppq to 24ppq

Post by masi »

Simon wrote: 21 Sep 2022, 08:37Ha ha fair enough - the slave word thing I just have no idea what else to use? I could not find an equivalent that is clear enough IMO
I was only joking. I'm a white European male so my feelings are not hurt when I hear master. And I doubt that any blacks in my neighbourhood have any direct ancestors that have been slaves (ie I assume them to be migrants from Africa). Rant: Yet this didn't stop demand to deman post-colonialisms is to be taught at school. What colonies did Austria (the Habsurg monarchy) even have? Argh. This is IMHO getting in a wrong direction. And I though myself to be goodwilling, tolerant and not a rascist.

My personal opinion is that the word master has so many more meanings than slave master that there is no need (outside the USA) to ban that word. I did not think of master in this sense before th wokeness came over the world. For me a master was either as skilled person in general or a craft i a guild (master and apprentice).

Sidenote: In software development the US took the lead and master disappeared. Music industry is lagging. I haven't heard of any changes in MIDI terminology.

"Master" has sometimes be changed to "main" when it is not paired with "slave". "Leader" and "follower" are possible substitutes.
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