Multiple devices on Windows

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Dark Waves
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Multiple devices on Windows

Post by Dark Waves »

Following on from comments in the FB group, here: ... 9782906074 about Windows handling of multiple of the same devices -

Although the Device Manager may show each instance of identical devices on ports, the OS doesn't differentiate between them reliably, so that a program like a DAW may produce an erroneous list, a jumble of input / output ports assigned to the wrong unit. For example, I have 4 Blokas Midihubs, and all listed connections would show the serial number of only one of the devices, maybe some would be missing, etc. (it's been a while, so I'm a bit fuzzy on the specifics).

To remedy this, custom firmware files were created for each device, that allowed the OS to see them individually, and identify them by their serial numbers, or whatever ID might be assigned. The bulk of these Midihubs would all use the standard firmware that everyone can download, only for those with multitple units, that generic firmware would be modified slightly in enough versions to facilitate the number of devices a user might have. I suppose two people with 3 devices each would probably both be given the same link to download 3 firmware variations in a zip folder. At least, that is how I perceive it, factoring in the fact that I'm not particularly knowledgeable in this field. Since applying the unique firmware to each of my Midihubs, the device list in Studio One shows their MIDI ports by serial number, thus allowing connections to be assigned accurately and successfully.

So, grand total, maybe there are a total of 5 versions of that firmware, the basic one, and 4 slightly tweaked ones, or perhaps more if there are owners of 6 or 10 units, or whatever (unlikely, but possible). I'd guess that the tweaks can be migrated more or less intact each update. The change must not have been very extensive, as it was made overnight from my first report of having a limitation.
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Re: Multiple devices on Windows

Post by Simon »

My idea would be:
  • new setting in the Midronome called "ID", a number from 1 to 99
  • The MIDI Devices name on the OS will be (for ID=3 f.x.)
    -> Midronome 3 Clock & Start
    -> Midronome 3 Clock only
    -> Midronome 3 Commands
Problem is while Mac is decent at getting the name of the devices, Windows usually does not show those names, it only shows "Midronome"... Do the Blokas show up with different MIDI device names in Windows?

Dark Waves
Posts: 41
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Re: Multiple devices on Windows

Post by Dark Waves »

Added image to the FB thread as the simplest way for this luddite to include it here. ... ESSzUGWvWQ

So in that image, it shows MIDI out port 4 for each of the 4 Midihubs, listed by serial number. There would be 3 more clusters like this in the full list of outputs, and 4 more in the list of inputs, and this is just how S1 arranges them, first numerically by port number, then by device name and number.

The MRCCs have improved some, but still share the exact same firmware, and don't maintain the identifying names shown in that list from session to session. Often I will start S1 after booting the PC and see almost all my devices missing, which usually requires a reboot, or 2, or 3, or manually reassigning ports, which is both a hassle, and still subject to change the next time.

If you're so inclined, the guy at Blokas seems to be friendly to other developers encountering similar problems.
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Re: Multiple devices on Windows

Post by Simon »

Awesome - yes I can have a look! But I have to be honest and manage expectations here - unless this is a major issue for many people, it might be quite low on the list of priorities ;)
Dark Waves
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Joined: 31 Mar 2022, 07:38

Re: Multiple devices on Windows

Post by Dark Waves »

No worries, I mainly brought it up so there would be awareness of the Windows limitations, and my experience dealing with them. If it proves helpful, the information is here for reference. Clearly you're being inundated with ideas and requests, and can't prioritize everything.
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Re: Multiple devices on Windows

Post by Simon »

Thank you Jack for saying that, I appreciate it! :)
Posts: 1026
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Re: Multiple devices on Windows

Post by Simon »

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