TAP light follow the mute button

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Joined: 06 Mar 2025, 08:25

TAP light follow the mute button

Post by seantalley »

I find the TAP light to be a helpful visual cue when I'm playing drums along with the Nome II, but I would love to be able to more easily turn off the light when I'm not playing (when the Nome is muted) so there's not a constant flashing light in my peripheral vision.

One solution would be to have another option on the LED settings that would tie it to the Mute button. This would turn off the TAP light when my Nome II is muted, and turn on the TAP light when it's unmuted.

Hope that makes sense. Really love the product so far and I'm excited to spend many, many hours with it!
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Re: TAP light follow the mute button

Post by Simon »

Hi Sean, welcome to the community!! :D

That's a great idea, super simple and it would not add another setting!

Basically right now the setting LEd has On, Off, we can simply add a "FOL" (follow play, matching the other "FOL"), and a "FO.M" which will be what you want, i.e. follow Mute.

What do you think about the options and their name?
Anyone else has a thought about this?

Posts: 6
Joined: 06 Mar 2025, 08:25

Re: TAP light follow the mute button

Post by seantalley »

FOL and FO.M works for me. Thanks for considering it!
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