Ability to slow down the MIDI Clock

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Ability to slow down the MIDI Clock

Post by Larry »

Status: this is implemented in FW 4.0 which will be released soon.


So the feature request is as in the title - I would like to see a setting that allows me to request double or half speed bpms on one or both MIDI outs on the metronome.

This is the context:

I needed to add some sounds from a Moog DFAM to a song I was working on in the DAW. DFAM is one of those gadgets, doesn’t have MIDI but has a clock input and you can sync it from another device. (I use a dedicated “DFAM Thing” which converts MIDI clock). Long story short, when I synced it, it turned out for whatever reason it assumed my eighth notes were quarter notes and the resulting beat was too slow. I did manage to overcome this by syncing it via CV with a Behringer DFAM replica (called Edge) but before I managed that I really wished I could just open the Midronome and say, send double speed on MIDI out1 - or something to this effect. Would have saved me a day or two:)

I can see someone has already requested this in the comments of this thread:
https://forum.midronome.com/viewtopic.p ... ouble#p192
There may be others, no idea but I exchanged a couple of emails with Simon and he suggested I put this here to see how popular the demand is for such a feature. So do second this in the comments if you want it implemented.
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Re: Ability to double or halve the sync tempo

Post by Simon »

Thank you Larry for creating a topic about this - let's see what people think! :)

How would you suggest the user interface for this to be? Just a hidden setting where you can set MIDI OUT 1 to be x2 or x0.5?
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Re: Ability to double or halve the sync tempo

Post by Simon »

Note: @Ben_C would like thsi feature as well, ideally with a possibility of changing the setting "Live" without disrupting the tempo
(see viewtopic.php?p=2197#p2197 )
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Re: Ability to double or halve the sync tempo

Post by armaster »

I post similar request here: viewtopic.php?p=2332#p2332.

Case 1 (which is described in this topic): set tempo to 120bpm, Nome II would send half or double tempo sync.
Case 2 (which is described in link above): tap tempo in eight notes, Nome II would set tempo in quarter notes. Useful feature would be smart following that would recognize tempo change and subdivision.
For example, set tempo to 120bpm. in case of tapping 130bpm, tempo Nome II would change tempo to 130bpm (following tempo). In case of tapping 240 on 60 bpm, Nome II would keep sending 120bpm. In case of tapping 230bpm, Nome II would start sending 115bpm.
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Re: Ability to double or halve the sync tempo

Post by Simon »

I like that! :D
I'll definitely consider this, it could be a great addition to the "smart tap tempo" feature coming in FW 5.0, which I see your other post is from anways :)
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Re: Ability to double or halve the sync tempo

Post by Simon »

Hi all,

Just FYI, FW 4.0 (still in development at the moment) will add time signatures in /2, /8, and /16. This could be a nice workaround for those who wanted this feature.
For example setting the time signature to 8/8 instead of 4/4 will "double" the speed of the metronome, while keeping the same clock. Same idea when setting it to 2/2.

On top of this, I've decided to add a simple setting to give you the possibility to halve the midi clock speed on output 2 only.
It will be a simple setting at the end of the advanced settings list, with the values "nor" (normal speed) and "HAL" (Half speed).
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Re: Ability to double or halve the sync tempo

Post by lxm9096 »

THANK YOU for adding the half speed option. So can I 2/2 the time and then halve the clock to get whole notes? Adding an option for 1/4 the speed would be GREATLY appreciated to achieve this. Ability to do this would be a game changer. I purchased a clock divider but it’s causing the clock to be inconsistent when placed after the nome.
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Re: Ability to double or halve the sync tempo

Post by Simon »

Hi :)

Yes I saw your email, I was about to reply. I am not sure how many people would use the 1/4th speed but it's not a big deal to add another option, neither in implementation nor does it crowd the device since it's just another option in an already existing setting.

No promises, but I'll try to add it to 4.0 ;)

PS: notice that it will be on the same output (MIDI Output 2), so you won't be able to get half speed + quarter speed, only:
* full speed + half speed
* or full speed + quarter speed
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Re: Ability to slow down the MIDI Clock

Post by Simon »

Hi all

This is now implemented in FW 4.0 (getting released soon), in the form of a setting called Mi.2 (MIDI Output 2 speed), with the following values:
  • '1: MIDI Clock running at full speed
  • '2: MIDI Clock running at half the speed
  • '3: MIDI Clock running at a 3rd of the speed
  • '4: MIDI Clock running at a 4th of the speed
  • '6: MIDI Clock running at a 6th of the speed
  • '8: MIDI Clock running at an 8th of the speed
This only affect the DIN-MIDI Output 2, all other clocks (MIDI Output 1, ANLG clocks, metronome, USB) are completetly unaffected by this.
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Re: Ability to slow down the MIDI Clock

Post by lxm9096 »

Simon wrote: 24 Jan 2025, 14:29 Hi all

This is now implemented in FW 4.0 (getting released soon), in the form of a setting called Mi.2 (MIDI Output 2 speed), with the following values:
  • '1: MIDI Clock running at full speed
  • '2: MIDI Clock running at half the speed
  • '3: MIDI Clock running at a 3rd of the speed
  • '4: MIDI Clock running at a 4th of the speed
  • '6: MIDI Clock running at a 6th of the speed
  • '8: MIDI Clock running at an 8th of the speed
This only affect the DIN-MIDI Output 2, all other clocks (MIDI Output 1, ANLG clocks, metronome, USB) are completetly unaffected by this.
Amazing! Alot of gear can only clock sync at 1/4 or 1/8th notes so you cannot get a delay pedal to sync to whole or half notes for example. This solves all of that. I used a clock divider after the Midrinome to accomplish this but the clock would get jittery again which of course defeats the purpose. THANK YOU again for implementing this. :!: :D :D :D
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Re: Ability to slow down the MIDI Clock

Post by lxm9096 »

Simon wrote: 24 Jan 2025, 14:29 Hi all

This is now implemented in FW 4.0 (getting released soon), in the form of a setting called Mi.2 (MIDI Output 2 speed), with the following values:
  • '1: MIDI Clock running at full speed
  • '2: MIDI Clock running at half the speed
  • '3: MIDI Clock running at a 3rd of the speed
  • '4: MIDI Clock running at a 4th of the speed
  • '6: MIDI Clock running at a 6th of the speed
  • '8: MIDI Clock running at an 8th of the speed
This only affect the DIN-MIDI Output 2, all other clocks (MIDI Output 1, ANLG clocks, metronome, USB) are completetly unaffected by this.
Works great Simon. Is there a way to boot up in this mode by default? its going to be the only one im using.
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Re: Ability to slow down the MIDI Clock

Post by Simon »

Awesome :)

I'm not sure what you mean with "boot up in this mode by default"? All settings including this one are saved in the device, so if you set it once it will stay wherever you set it before at next reboot ;) Does that answer your question?
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Re: Ability to slow down the MIDI Clock

Post by lxm9096 »

Simon wrote: 07 Feb 2025, 21:31 Awesome :)

I'm not sure what you mean with "boot up in this mode by default"? All settings including this one are saved in the device, so if you set it once it will stay wherever you set it before at next reboot ;) Does that answer your question?
Sorry, I mean to have it boot up in the ""Adv" + "Mi2" screen
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Re: Ability to slow down the MIDI Clock

Post by Simon »

lxm9096 wrote: 07 Feb 2025, 21:34 Sorry, I mean to have it boot up in the ""Adv" + "Mi2" screen
Oh I see, this is interesting. The list simply saves what was the last setting you modified (both in the "basic" and "advanced" list), so when you open the settings again you go back to where you were, but I thought it would be a bit overkill to save this into the memory of the device.

I think what I hear is more the fact that this is a setting you want to change often, and while playing, correct? The settings are not really meant to be used this way, they are meant as "configuration", as in: "configure the device the way you like it, then exit the settings and play while the device shows the tempo".
But I can understand why you would want to "ride" this setting, just like people are doing with the analog speed An.1 and An.2. I have solved the An.1 and An.2 by adding MIDI Commands for those. Right now there are no MIDI commands for Mi.2, but I could add one? What do you think?
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