Sim'n Tonic

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Joined: 22 Apr 2023, 22:57

Sim'n Tonic

Post by Milosdrummer »

Just acknowledging the birth of a new brand name, congrats Simon!
Posts: 930
Joined: 09 Jan 2022, 22:08

Re: Sim'n Tonic

Post by Simon »

He he thanks!! :D
Posts: 930
Joined: 09 Jan 2022, 22:08

Re: Sim'n Tonic

Post by Simon »

Just as a reference, and for those of you who are not on the Facebook group, I am going to copy-paste here my long post from the Facebook Group "Sim'n Tonic Community":

FB Group wrote: As you have seen already there are two new names around: the Sim'n Tonic brand and a new device called Nome II.

What does that mean for me?
First and foremost, let me address your concerns:
  • This is just branding, nothing has changed - it's just me Simon making devices.
  • You guys were the first, and the reason why all of this came to exist. Some of you have even been there since the first Kickstarter (yes there were 2)! So of course you will always have a special place in this community and I have absolutely no intentions on letting you down.
  • Nome II will have the same features as Nome I ( = Midronome), the only differences are mainly visual, new LED buttons, a USB-C port, and a few minor internal hardware improvements.
  • For now, firmware updates will keep coming for both Nome I and II
  • U-SYNC for Windows is still a work in progress
  • Firmware 4.0 development will start shortly
Why the change?
This might feel sudden, but I have been working on this rebranding for months. The Midronome started as a simple bedroom project which I made because of Covid, but it is now much more than that, and changing that unpronouncable and unwrittable name was a priority before the next batch.
So the company name is now Sim'n Tonic, and the device name, as suggested by most of you guys already: Nome. No more Modronome, Midionome, Midinorme, Midrinome - just Nome, simpler to write, quick to say, and easy to remember 😃

What is the idea with the new name?
Unlike the name "Midronome" which was found in literally 5 seconds, finding "Sim'n Tonic" was a longer process. I wanted the brand to sound professional, but at the same time have an edge (otherwise we'd take ourselves too seriously), and show the strong bond I personally have with the community, with every single one of you. So Sim'n for my name, Tonic for the music beat, and the drink for the edge.

Then from the name came a logo and this beautiful vintage yellow, but all of that is just magic from Hasse -

The future
Separating the product and the brand name also means we can start making new products now, starting with cables, adapters, MIDI Thru boxes, etc. So only exciting things!

If you have any question as always I'm here - happy to address any more concerns!

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