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Best way to turn off the Nome II?
Posted: 06 Mar 2025, 08:30
by seantalley
Sorry if this is an obvious question... but is there a way to turn off (and back on) the Nome II? I can't find an obvious on/off switch.
Do I have to unplug it (and plug it back in) every time?
Re: Best way to turn off the Nome II?
Posted: 06 Mar 2025, 09:01
by Simon
Yes you're all correct, there is no power button, so yes you can unplug/replug if you want to turn it off.
I've always seen the device as a very resilient device for Live, which will keep running even if your DAW or OS would crash for example (hence the powerful U-SYNC feature where the device smoothly takes over a master clock if the DAW crashes).
So the question is, why do you want to turn it off, is it for power consumption concerns?
There has been
quite a discussion about adding a "sleep mode" which turns off the screen and the LEDs (95% of the power consumption is from them). Feel free to join and discuss it there
Re: Best way to turn off the Nome II?
Posted: 06 Mar 2025, 16:35
by seantalley
I'd mostly want to turn it off so the lights aren't lighting up my room all the time. It also just feels like I "should" turn it off (like I would an amp or keyboard) when I'm not using it, and I was a little worried that I might be causing damage by yanking on the USB cord every time.
Good to hear that the Nome is so resilient!
Re: Best way to turn off the Nome II?
Posted: 06 Mar 2025, 17:36
by Simon
Fair enough - and I would not worry about damaging it, even the cable
You should see what I put the devices through when I test them - some Midronomes (Nome I) I have been butchering for years and they have not moved an inch