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Sync Style Start/Stop from Yamaha SX700

Posted: 28 Nov 2023, 06:01
by JonatasBeque
Hi, folks!

If I start a style/song from Yamaha SX700 connected to the Midronome through Midi, will the Midronome recognizes and plays the metronome on the BPM and time signature that comes from the keyboard when I starts the style/song?

Re: Sync Style Start/Stop from Yamaha SX700

Posted: 28 Nov 2023, 09:42
by Simon
Hi Jonatas :)

In this setup the 'Nome (nickname for the Midronome - invented by the community :D ) should be the master. It will send MIDI Clock to your SX700, and ideally you want to start the SX700 by pressing the Play button on the Nome. This way it will be in time with anything else connected to the Midronome (and to the Nome's metronome).

That requires of course that the SX700 can sync to MIDI Clock and will react to MIDI Start/Stop commands. Check its manual to see if that is the case :)

I hope this helps!
