options for DAWless multitake sync

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options for DAWless multitake sync

Post by Jonnosan »


I am wanting to setup a computerless studio consisting of a bunch of drum machines,sequencers and synths hooked up to an Alesis HD24

I want to be able to record multiple takes where I can have the drum machines and sequencers have exact same tempo, and also start at exact same time on each take. I want something more accurate than just pressing the play buttons on both midronome and HD24 at the same time.

I see how I could use a sync track being played back from the HD24 to the input of the Midronome to get the tempo to match, but cant see how to generate a MIDI clock 'start' signal (0xFA byte) at the right time.

My midronome hasnt arrived yet, so cant experiment to confirm, but from reading the manual it seems like the only way to generate a start command is either via the button on the midronome, or by having a DAW send midi start command over USB. The problem here is
- pressing start button on the midronome wont start the HD24 (HD24 only understands MMC commands, not MIDI clock commands).
- pressing start on the HD24 will generate a MMC start only, not a MIDI clock start. (also - am not sure how well the USB-DIN MIDI convertor I am using would work with the multiple USB MIDI interfaces presented by the midronome - it seems to only like USB devices that show just 1 MIDI interface).

I think either or both of these features would solve my problem

1) have a way of generating a MIDI clock 'start' command from the audio input - e.g. if there's a pulse of >250ms, generate a midi clock start command on the falling edge of the pulse, or on the first pulse received after say 2 seconds of no pulses. Then I could have a sync track on the HD24 connected to the audio input of the midronome, press play on the HD24, and have the midronome send a start to all my sequencers
2) allow some simple MMC commands (i.e. just MMC start and MMC stop) be transmitted on one of the MIDI DIN ouputs. Then I could connect that output to the MIDI IN on the HD24 and use the midronome start button to start the HD24 and the sequencers at the same time.

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Re: options for DAWless multitake sync

Post by Simon »

Hi :)

Thanks for writing here! This is an interesting setup, and as old as it is you do not seem to be the only one using the Alesis HD24.

As I understood you want to sync the Alesis to the Midronome with Audio Sync anyways, right?

If that is the case, all you have to do is
  1. Start the Alesis, this will "activate" the Audio Sync, i.e. the Midronome will show "---" until the next bar
  2. Press Play on your Midronome(s), which will start your sequencers on the next bar, in time with the Alesis
The only thing you are missing with the Midronome not reacting to MTC Start is the fact you have to press the button yourself. But all the machines will still start on time, that's the point of the Midronome ;)

Let us know how it goes when you get the device! ;)

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