[F] ANLG clock off by 1 MIDI tick when using USB+Reset Mode
Posted: 20 Jun 2023, 18:49
STATUS: Fixed in Firmware v1.1 - download it here: viewtopic.php?t=238
Short description of the issue: both clocks coming out of the ANLG plug are delayed by 1 tick when having a specific setup (see below)
Setup: Midronome connected to a computer BUT without any software asking for MIDI (tested on Mac only)
Reset mode enabled, and ANLG clock set to PLA (An.L=PLA)
Steps to Reproduce: Press the PLAY button
Expected Behavior: the ANLG clocks should be on the same tick as the first MIDI tick
Actual Behavior: the ANLG clocks are delayed by one tick, and sometimes there is an extra pulse on the ANLG on the first tick
Short description of the issue: both clocks coming out of the ANLG plug are delayed by 1 tick when having a specific setup (see below)
Setup: Midronome connected to a computer BUT without any software asking for MIDI (tested on Mac only)
Reset mode enabled, and ANLG clock set to PLA (An.L=PLA)
Steps to Reproduce: Press the PLAY button
Expected Behavior: the ANLG clocks should be on the same tick as the first MIDI tick
Actual Behavior: the ANLG clocks are delayed by one tick, and sometimes there is an extra pulse on the ANLG on the first tick