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[F] "Sync File is damaged and can't be opened"
Posted: 23 Apr 2023, 22:16
by mynameisdanno
STATUS: Fixed in version 1.0.
Software Tool: Sync File Generator 0.1-beta (Intel version)
Operating System and version: macOS Monterey v12.6.5 (2016 MacBook Pro, Intel)
Short description of the issue: When attempting to run Sync File from /Applications, I get the error "Sync File" is damaged and can't be opened. You should move it to the trash."
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Download syncfilegenerator-0.1-beta.dmg (macOS Intel version) from website
2. Mount syncfilegenerator-0.1-beta.dmg
3. Drag Sync File to /Applications. (Same behavior seen if copy-and-paste instead)
4. Navigate to /Applications and run Sync File Generator
Expected Behavior:
The app to open
Actual Behavior:
I re-downloaded and mounted the .dmg file and copied the app out to /Applications a few different times, same result.
Re: "Sync File is damaged and can't be opened"
Posted: 24 Apr 2023, 00:19
by Simon
Ha ha ha, well should we class this as a minor issue? ...
Oh lord this is a good start

Re: "Sync File is damaged and can't be opened"
Posted: 24 Apr 2023, 10:08
by mynameisdanno
Better now than later I figure! LOL
Re: [A] "Sync File is damaged and can't be opened"
Posted: 24 Apr 2023, 11:36
by Simon
It seems to be a Mac OS Security issue. Basically on newer Mac OS, unsigned apps downloaded from the Internet can still run, you just need (the usual) right click -> open and the "Open" option appears.
But it seems that on older Macs the app just gets marked as "damaged"
A quick workaround is: to run this command in a terminal
Code: Select all
xattr -cr /Applications/Sync\ File\
(this basically tells Mac OS "this has not been downloaded from the Internet")
Then it should work. Note that the problem will be the same for all 3 tools.
The only way to solve this is to sign the apps properly with an Apple Developer ID, which will come with version 1.0.
Re: [A] "Sync File is damaged and can't be opened"
Posted: 24 Apr 2023, 16:19
by J. John Mixson
Hi Simon,
I started this process yesterday on my Windows 10 PC but didn't follow through, until reading this topic this morning, because of multiple Windows Defender warnings.
Today, after creating a Restore Point, I just pushed on through all of those warnings and successfully installed and ran the generator.
I thought I'd mention this here for any Windows users who are hesitant, as I was, at proceeding.
It seems all is well.
I notice there isn't a 6/8 signature option, one I used frequently, and wonder why & how this might work out in practice.
But another question that raises is this: Is the time signature only for the benefit of the metronome feature, to know where to place the accent?
Does a tune with multiple signature changes care whether the sync track makes those changes too or if it's just one continuous stream, only changing tempo when & if the tune calls for that?
Thanks, and really looking forward to delivery!
Re: [A] "Sync File is damaged and can't be opened"
Posted: 24 Apr 2023, 19:48
by Simon
Hi John,
Thank you for sharing your experience with Windows. The issue is the same: the executables need to be signed, this will be solved in version 0.2.
Regarding your other questions, please create a new topic in the Questions forum - I would rather keep these topics clean, thanks

Re: [F] "Sync File is damaged and can't be opened"
Posted: 15 Jul 2023, 07:17
by Simon
Fixed in version 1.0.