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CV sends only clock signal or also start/stop?

Posted: 07 Nov 2022, 00:10
by yelg
I would like to sync a Moog DFAM via Midronome with my DAW. My question: Can I send only the pure clock information via the CV out of the Midronome with a TS cable - or at the same time also the start/stop signal?

Re: CV sends only clock signal or also start/stop?

Posted: 07 Nov 2022, 09:09
by Simon
Hi yelg :)

It sends start&stop as well, as the plug is a TRS (stereo), but only in "DIN sync" mode. In this mode the left/tip has a 24ppq analog clock, and right/ring has the start/Stop following the user pressing the play button. The start/stop is a 5V gate.

There is already a new feature request to have the possibility to choose, for both left and right channels:
* clock from 1 to 24ppq
* DIN clock
* start/stop signal

And this would be too stupid not to implement so I can guarantee you this will make it to the device.


Re: CV sends only clock signal or also start/stop?

Posted: 07 Nov 2022, 17:12
by yelg
Hello Simon, thanks a lot.

So, if I can only use a TS cable, at least I have the clock signal. Since with some devices the clock signal continues to run permanently regardless of start/stop on the devices, I ask again to be on the safe side: If I press start/stop on Midronome (according to the specification only for Midi 1/2), does the CV clock signal also start/pause?

Re: CV sends only clock signal or also start/stop?

Posted: 07 Nov 2022, 18:00
by Simon
That is also configurable, you can set it to "on", then the clock is sent all the time, or "PLA" and then the clock is only sent when you press play ;)