Beat/Measure Counter/Display

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Beat/Measure Counter/Display

Post by Actitect »

Hi there, it could be below mentioned topics meant the same thing, pardon if I missed something, but I didn't find a clear answer on the idea:

To me, a very welcome addition to the device would be a simple beat/measure counter available to show in the screen, as apposed to the current BPM.

So, just a simple on-screen indication/representation of the currently playing bars and measures:

1.1 - 1.2 - 1.3 - 1.4 - 2.1 - 2.2 - 2.3 - 2.4 - 3.1 - 3.2 etc.

- this could be an alternative default screen content when the clock is running.
- one should be able to set the number of bars until it turns back to 1.1 ( example: 01 till 64 )
- resets at clock stop
- obviously, it should follow the time signature settings
- a manual 1.1 reset function (pedal?) without restarting the clock would be a cool bonus feature

In a lot of settings, improvisation, playing with bands, jam sessions, song practice, composition, and anything really (especially for people not using a DAW in their creative process) this would be a gamechanging function, as it helps anticipate breaks, makes sure you stay on the right 1.1, helps very much in silent parts/breaks/parts without drum to stay in time, and much more.

Feature wise it could be perfect for a device such as the Nome II if you ask me.

Thank you for considering.

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Joined: 09 Jan 2022, 22:08

Re: Beat/Measure Counter/Display

Post by Simon »

What a nicely written request, thank you!! I appreciate very much the details, the thoughts, and even the research (those two links at the bottom) :D

It's a nice idea, and it would be pretty simple to implement, but I really do not like the idea of adding yet another setting. The setting list is already incredibly long (especially since FW 4.0).

My first thought would be to implement this as an add-on module, an extra display showing what you want, with pretty much all the options you mentioned. What is nice is that when it's an add-on you can add tons of features onto it since it does not affect people who do not have the add-on ;)

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