See also this Youtube video that demonstrate the new features:
New Major Features:
- Start/Reset for ANLG output - viewtopic.php?t=210
- Tempo presets - viewtopic.php?t=211
- Support for other time signatures (6/8, 2/2, 4/2, etc.) - viewtopic.php?t=301
- Mute follows Play - viewtopic.php?t=144
- Stop the midi clock output - viewtopic.php?t=340
- Ability to slow down the MIDI Clock output - viewtopic.php?t=376
- Turning the locked mode on or off is now shown on the display ("Loc" for on and "L.o.c." for off)
- The AutoPlay A.PL setting has now more options, to select which port you want to start playing automatically (1, 2 or both)
- A pedal/footswitch configured as PLA (start/stop) can now also do resync with a long press, just like the play buttons
- Missing restart/reset of connected machines when using drum pad in P.A.d. mode - viewtopic.php?t=442
- Diverse minor bugs solved, very particular UI situations
- Lots of internal improvements for bettter firmware stability and reliability
- The advanced settings will now always be visible, but will be in a "sub-menu" at the very end of the list
- The settings list has changed a lot, in particular the advanced settings list. Don't worry the settings will be upgraded smoothly so you will get a device with the same configuration before and after FW 4.0. See below the complete new settings list, and look at the specific feature topic (links above) to know more about each option.
Code: Select all
CL.1 -> 0-59
CL.2 -> 0-59
Vo.1 -> 1-9
Vo.2 -> 1-9
SIG -> x/y, with x [1-32] and y [2-16]
inP -> OFF, PEd, PAd, P.A.d., 24P
A.PL -> OFF, bot, Mi.1, Mi.2
AnL -> con, FOL, din
An.1 -> OFF, '1, '2, '3, '4, '6, '8, '12, '24, run, StA, rES, 2, 3, ..., 99
An.2 -> same as An.1 (An.1 & An.2 hidden if AnL = din)
LEd -> OFF, On
bri -> 001-008
Adv -> (advanced settings list)
PEd -> Mut, PLA, tAP, PrE
PE.2 -> OFF, Mut, PLA, PrE
PE.t -> SuS, LAt
Mut -> nor, FOL
rES -> OFF, On
PL.1 -> bot, Mi.1
PL.2 -> Mut, PLA
Mid -> OFF, con, FOL
Mi.2 -> '1, '2, '3, '4, '6, '8
PrE -> presets from 1 to 50
(note: for more explanations on each setting, see the topic for the individual features)