Support for other time signatures (6/8, 2/2, 4/2, etc.)

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Support for other time signatures (6/8, 2/2, 4/2, etc.)

Post by Simon »

Hi guys :)

This topic is about adding a setting in the Midronome supporting other time signatures, basically adding a "denominator" to the "bar" setting, which is for set to 4.

My idea would be that in the settings, you can select "bar" as before, but after pressing the knob you can select the denominator, between 2, 4 and 8.
Or maybe it should be a long press of the knob (thinking you would rarely change the denominator)?

What do you guys think?


PS: this is created because of HappyClocker's suggestion to get the plugin to support x/8 time signatures (see viewtopic.php?t=283 ).
See also viewtopic.php?t=386 and viewtopic.php?t=48 which would both be solved by implementing this.
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Re: Support for other time signatures (6/8, 2/2, 4/2, etc.)

Post by tom »

Hi Simon. Thanks for your efforts in this space.

Quick answer: Yes please!

I came here exactly because of this. This is my first post here. Because this feature really matters to me.

I faced a challenge during my previous band rehearsal. The tune is in 7/8, and we're running some drum machine track that is started by the midronome so I can have a nice click track. So I thought shifting to the 7 bar setting in the midronome and doubling the tempo would be sufficient, but of course this made the drum machine sequence run twice as fast.

So I currently have to run a one bar setting to not have to change any other settings and to not be confused by the 1 count moving across the bar.

Would we very nice to be able to choose between 7/8 and 7/4, 5/8 and 5/4 and so on due to this.

Coupling this denominator setting to the proposed "setlist" feature I see mentioned would be very nice, making playing such a tune live a breeze.

Coming from an E-RM midiclock + Boss DB 90 setup, this is something I really miss.

As for how it should be implemented, It's hard to say. If you need to go to 8, you'd probably want to switch back to 4 during the same gig. (We have a 5/4 tune as well :-))
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Re: Support for other time signatures (6/8, 2/2, 4/2, etc.)

Post by Simon »

Thanks for the feedback Tom!

I'll see what I can do ;)
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Re: Support for other time signatures (6/8, 2/2, 4/2, etc.)

Post by Simon »

FYI - this has been discussed in both these topics: viewtopic.php?t=386 and viewtopic.php?t=48

Both topics are closed, please add comments into this topic instead.

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Re: Support for other time signatures (6/8, 2/2, 4/2, etc.)

Post by vmanari »

I agree on this request. Besides different time signature it woul dbe great also to have different time divisions (basically a 1/8 besides the current 1/4).

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Re: Support for other time signatures (6/8, 2/2, 4/2, etc.)

Post by Ben_C »

Hi - just snagged an SH-101 and immediately ran into the issue of the clock output being too slow for practical purposes. So, yes, would love to see either a clock divider function and/or time sig denominator support. Ideally, it would be a setting you could “ride” in realtime.
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Re: Support for other time signatures (6/8, 2/2, 4/2, etc.)

Post by Simon »

Ben_C wrote: 02 Jun 2024, 14:13 Ideally, it would be a setting you could “ride” in realtime.
Do you mean bein able to change the time signature on the go, while the clock/song is running, without disrupting the timing?

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Re: Support for other time signatures (6/8, 2/2, 4/2, etc.)

Post by Ben_C »

Hi Simon,

Apologies for the slow response! Yes, I think that could be a lot of fun for live jamming with arps and sequences - doubling/halving the tempo on the fly. But, really, just the option of doubling the internal rate to have a normal tempo range for clocks like the SH-101 implementation would be a huge improvement.
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Re: Support for other time signatures (6/8, 2/2, 4/2, etc.)

Post by Simon »

Ben_C wrote: 27 Aug 2024, 21:52 Yes, I think that could be a lot of fun for live jamming with arps and sequences - doubling/halving the tempo on the fly.
I see - but this is not what this topic is about. The time signature will only affect the metronome (i.e. what comes out of the "AUDIO" output), not the clocks, same as when you change it in your DAW. That's the way time signatures work and I would think most people expect it to work this way (and would be confused if it started doubling the tempo!)

Halving the MIDI clock on the fly could be an interesting and easy feature to add though, in fact it is already there on the ANLG clock (setting "An.1" and "An.2") and yes you can "ride" that setting real time without disrupting the timing ;)
It has already been suggested on this topic: viewtopic.php?t=376

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Re: Support for other time signatures (6/8, 2/2, 4/2, etc.)

Post by Simon »

So - for those who have not noticed, this will be implemented as part as FW 4.0.

Unless there is a strong will for it, time signatures with a not-whole amount of beats or quarters will not be supported.
Meaning 5/8 (2.5 quarters per bar), 10/16 (same), 3/8, etc.
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Re: Support for other time signatures (6/8, 2/2, 4/2, etc.)

Post by Simon »

The display in the settings will show "xx.Y" with xx the numerator and Y the denominator.
Since there is only one digit for 16, a denominator of 16 will show as ō.

So for example:
  • 4.4 means 4/4
  • 6.8 means 6/8
  • 12.2 means 12/2
  • 8.ō means 8/16
To edit the denominator, you have to go through the whole list, i.e, from 1/2 to 32/2, then from 1/4 to 32/4, etc.

Let me know if you have any comments about that ;)
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Re: Support for other time signatures (6/8, 2/2, 4/2, etc.)

Post by Simon »

Here is another thought: how should the tempo tapping be when the time signature is not x/4 ?

There are 2 approaches:
  1. Consider taps are always quarternotes, so for example with a time signature in x/8, you will need to tap twice as slow compared to the metronome
  2. Any tapping should match the time signature, i.e.:
    • A time signature in x/2 expects a tapping in half-notes
    • A time signature in x/4 expects a tapping in quarternotes
    • A time signature in x/8 expects a tapping in eighth-notes
    • A time signature in x/16 expects a tapping in sixteenth-notes
I like the second option, which is clearly more complex to implement and could make into a new feature, or better, be combined with the smart tap tempo feature and in particular armmaster's suggestion - see viewtopic.php?p=2332#p2332

Note that this would also affect tapping the time signature on the drum pad (in "P.A.d." mode).

For FW 4.0, only the first option (quarternote tapping only) will be implemented, but please let me know your thoughts! :)
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Re: Support for other time signatures (6/8, 2/2, 4/2, etc.)

Post by AnotherSimon »

Hi - have just received my Nome II (all the way from Denmark to Western Australia) and took it to rehearsal last night. Our drummer is very used to clicks in 8ths so we reverted back to our usual device (Tama RW200). I'm hoping that with this update as part of the new firmware we will be able to select the "right" tempo i.e. based on the 4ths, but hear clicks on the 8ths? One nice feature of the Tama is that the 4th note clicks are stronger than the 8th, but presumably the Nome clicks will be the same other than the downbeat as before?

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Re: Support for other time signatures (6/8, 2/2, 4/2, etc.)

Post by Simon »

AnotherSimon wrote: 08 Jan 2025, 06:24 Hi - have just received my Nome II (all the way from Denmark to Western Australia) and took it to rehearsal last night. Our drummer is very used to clicks in 8ths so we reverted back to our usual device (Tama RW200). I'm hoping that with this update as part of the new firmware we will be able to select the "right" tempo i.e. based on the 4ths, but hear clicks on the 8ths? One nice feature of the Tama is that the 4th note clicks are stronger than the 8th, but presumably the Nome clicks will be the same other than the downbeat as before?

Hello Simon! Glad to hear the device made it to you :D
Yes you're correct, with FW 4.0 you'll have 8th notes on the metronome if you choose a time signature in x/8.

You're also correct that the 8th notes are the same click sound and volume level as the 4th note (except the downbeat). But this point has already been raised, so I suggest you go over this topic and share what you would like in terms of options (understand that we cannot jam a million features/options into such a small device which will make it overwhelming complicated for future users): viewtopic.php?p=2464#p2464
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Re: Support for other time signatures (6/8, 2/2, 4/2, etc.)

Post by AnotherSimon »

Simon wrote: 08 Jan 2025, 09:27
AnotherSimon wrote: 08 Jan 2025, 06:24 Hi - have just received my Nome II (all the way from Denmark to Western Australia) and took it to rehearsal last night. Our drummer is very used to clicks in 8ths so we reverted back to our usual device (Tama RW200). I'm hoping that with this update as part of the new firmware we will be able to select the "right" tempo i.e. based on the 4ths, but hear clicks on the 8ths? One nice feature of the Tama is that the 4th note clicks are stronger than the 8th, but presumably the Nome clicks will be the same other than the downbeat as before?

Hello Simon! Glad to hear the device made it to you :D
Yes you're correct, with FW 4.0 you'll have 8th notes on the metronome if you choose a time signature in x/8.

You're also correct that the 8th notes are the same click sound and volume level as the 4th note (except the downbeat). But this point has already been raised, so I suggest you go over this topic and share what you would like in terms of options (understand that we cannot jam a million features/options into such a small device which will make it overwhelming complicated for future users): viewtopic.php?p=2464#p2464
OK thanks - I'll post in the other forum re the request for a Vo.3 option! It's a great device, looking forward to getting to grips with what it can do once our drummer is happy.
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