This feature will be implemented as follow, feel free to comment if you disagree / have another idea:
- 50 presets, named preset 1 to 50
- Each preset contains only the tempo + time signature
- The last preset can be deleted, by default no presets are present
- Presets are applied right away unless
- you are in Locked Mode
- the Play button is lit (i.e. a sequencer/synth is playing) -> then the preset will be applied on the next bar
- Few ways to apply a preset, either:
- hold the "TAP" button and rotate the big knob
- send MIDI Commands on channel 12: both Program Change and CC 106 will work
- use pedals/footswitch: pedal settings will have a new "PrE" (preset) mode. If both pedals are set to "PrE" then one pedal will apply the previous preset and the other the next preset.
- To configure a preset on the device:
- go in the settings, select "Adv" (advanced), then select "PrE"
- A list of 1 to X appears, X being the first free preset, which will be marked with an "E" (for "empty") in front. For example "E.05"
- Select a number and hold down the knob will save the current tempo+sig into the preset (display will show "SAu" - saved)
- Doing the same with the "TAP" button pressed as well will delete the preset (display will show "dEL" - deleted), you can only delete the last preset
- Doing a single press of the knob goes back the the list of settings (like in any other setting)
(Note: in the future there will be a configuration software to configure the Nome, including the presets)
(Note 2: when and if it gets implemented, the presets will contains the tempo decimals)
Original topic: viewtopic.php?t=37
This is about implementing up to 50 presets on the Midronome. A preset will contain only the tempo and the time signature.
To save a preset, once the tempo and time signature is set, you will be able to save it by doing the following:
- go in the settings
- select "PrE" (preset) in the list
- choose a preset number
- validate
Feel free to comment here regarding:
- If you think some information is missing or unclear
- How you would like this feature to be implemented (buttons, settings, how to activate, how it is done, etc.)
- Why you think this feature is a good addition to the Midronome