Analogue clock signal options

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Analogue clock signal options

Post by amaeland »

Copying my post from another thread as requested:

Simon, would you consider adding a feature whereby the pulse of the analogue clock output can be adjusted?

To clarify, I have been having reliability issues with my Korg SQ-1 when syncing it via analogue to the Midronome. Every now and then, it would jump a few steps and get out of sync.

It occurred to me that it could be because the shape of the pulse was not to the SQ-1’s liking. So I tried routing the Midronome analogue out into my Doepfer clock divider, which I set to Trigger mode instead of Gate, and used one of the outputs from that to sync the SQ-1. Now it’s perfect! All I had to do was change the PPQ setting on the Midronome to compensate for using a divided timing.

Maybe it would be a good idea to have an alternative pulse type which is shorter, like a trigger pulse? Or could it be that the output from the Midronome is simply too loud or quiet for the SQ-1? I need to try running it through a VCA now that I think of it…if that works, then having a volume control for the pulse output would do the trick. Currently however, it seems I need to use additional hardware to get a sync signal that works well with the SQ-1.
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Re: Analogue clock signal options

Post by Simon »

Thanks for creating a separate topic :)

Currently the pulses coming out of the ANLG plug on the Midronome are 5V pulses of 5ms (so they are "trigger" pulses").
This should be fine for 99.99% of devices. Even vintage devices like the Roland 303, 606 and like accept a 5ms 5V pulse.

Looking at the SQ-1 manual, it also looks like the SYNC OUT plug sends 5V pulses, which are 15ms long. So maybe 5ms is too short? Strange because other Korg devices (like the volca's) work fine with 5ms.

Could you make sure you are on the most recent firmware (2.0)? I can make you a custom (temporary) firmware which will send 15ms pulses instead, to see if that was the problem. Note that at high tempos and high ppq this will not be possible anymore so it will go back to 5ms. For example at 400bpm and 24ppq, the pulses are only 6.25ms apart.

Posts: 930
Joined: 09 Jan 2022, 22:08

Re: Analogue clock signal options

Post by Simon »

Moving this topic to feature requests where it belongs :)
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