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by temel
23 Sep 2023, 23:02
Forum: Questions about the Midronome
Topic: analog clock out and a passive multiplier
Replies: 2
Views: 4356

Re: analog clock out and a passive multiplier

Thank you for the reply! I didn't know that the impedance is the main issue here, but after your elaboration, now it makes total sense. I am aware that there are two analog clocks, that's why I mentioned ''one channel''. And that's yet another glorious thing about Midronome ! I don't know what else ...
by temel
23 Sep 2023, 19:41
Forum: Questions about the Midronome
Topic: analog clock out and a passive multiplier
Replies: 2
Views: 4356

analog clock out and a passive multiplier

I was wandering - If I want to use Midronome 's analog clock out (one channel) and put it through a passive multiplier, will the signal weaken that much so it would render the strength of the pulses unusable, or there's enough signal strength for that? Unfortunately, I'm unable right now to try this...